Our Designs Shine. Our Landscapes Thrive. Our Clients Glow.

A well-designed back yard encourages & supports fun outdoor living. It encompasses large places to have dinner, entertain and relax with family and friends such as a garden party pavilion, patio with outdoor fireplace & kitchen or multi level deck that flows easily from the house to the yard. There should also be small private places to sit, observe nature and enjoy pretty views such as a colorful landscape, summer perennial garden or azalea filled spring woodland garden.

If your family has kids, we will provide spaces to play, run and swim … keeping in mind their needs now by providing discovery play gardens as well as how the landscape might morph as they grow.

Does your family have a dog? We’ll provide for your pal’s needs too, incorporate plants that your dog can run thru and make sure that no mud is tracked into your house.

Discovering butterfly chrysalis
Discovering butterfly chrysalis
Discovery play gardens
Discovery play gardens
No mud tracked into house by dog path
No mud tracked into house by dog path
Plants that dogs can run thru
Plants that dogs can run thru
colorful tiny landscape
Colorful tiny landscape
seating ii azalea woodland garden
Seating in azalea woodland garden
Dinner with a pretty view
Dinner with a pretty view
Garden party pavilion
Garden party pavilion
Relax on bench in perennials
Relax on bench in perennials
view of summer perennial garden
View of summer perennial garden
Attractive play areas
Attractive play areas
Pool with sun shelf for young kids
Pool with sun shelf for young kids